HSK 3 Workbook Lesson 9 Page 62 Rearrange the words to make sentences (SOLUTION)

36. 那辆车越开越快。
     Nà liàng chē yuè kāi yuè kuài.
    The car drives faster and faster.

37. 我弟弟跟妈妈一样高。
     Wǒ dìdi gēn māma yíyàng gāo.

My younger brother is as tall as my mother.

38. 我和老同学越聊越高兴。

Wǒ hé lǎo tóngxué yuè liáo yuè gāoxìng.

The more I chat with my old classmates, the happier I am.

39. 苹果跟西瓜一样新鲜。 

Píngguǒ gēn xīguā yíyàng xīnxiān.

     Apples are as fresh as watermelons. 

40. 你越吃甜的,身体越胖。

Nǐ yuè chī tián de, shēntǐ yuè pàng.


Nǐ shēntǐ yuè chī tián de, yuè pàng.

The more sugar you eat, the fatter you get.