拖地 [tuō dì] to mop the floor / fregar el piso
扫地 [sǎo dì] to sweep the floor / barrer el piso
洗衣服 [xǐ yīfu] to wash clothes / lavar la ropa
洗碗 [xǐ wǎn] to wash the dishes / lavar los platos
浇花 [jiāo huā] to water the flowers / regar las flores
擦玻璃 [cā bōli] to clean the window / limpiar la ventana
打扫 [dǎsǎo] to clean / limpiar
收拾 [shōushí] to clean and tidy up / limpiar y ordenar (habitación,...)
整理 [zhěnglǐ] to tidy up / ordenar (habitación,...)
倒垃圾 [dào lājī] to take out the trash / sacar la basura
倒垃圾 [dào lājī] to take out the trash / sacar la basura